Wednesday, October 31, 2018

steps + words

I've noticed something.

Whenever my crazy-busy-no-sleep-zillion-miles-per-hour life slows down even just a little bit, I do more of two things:
1) I run more.
2) I write more.

There's something about regular running and writing that sits well with my soul.

Neither activity really has a purpose. Right now, I'm just running random circles around Stanford's campus. I like the idea of training for something, and there's a couple of races that have caught my eye, but I haven't signed up for anything. Maybe a half-marathon or even a (gasp!) triathlon in May or June?

It's the same with writing. Sure, I write a decent amount for work-- long-winded H&Ps and the like--but the kind of writing I really enjoy is a lot more low key. Random thoughts, stories about my day, reflections on what doctoring is all about-- it's not particularly intentional and certainly not meant for an audience, but it makes me happy.

Steps and words. They both feel right.

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