Saturday, January 23, 2016


I just changed my layout and I can't decide if it's minimalistic and cool or just dumb looking. I also took changed the name (again) and removed some more identifying information (again) just in case a future employer/program director/psychopath finds it. Which is probably dumb because I've left up all my old posts and it would take 0.02 seconds to figure out who I am and I don't really post things I consider inappropriate/controversial/shameful and  if I'm that worried I could just, you know, stop blogging.

I should probably stop thinking about this so much.

We got 7 inches last night! I've determined snow days are much less exciting when you're on a research month (read: can work from home) and don't own a sled. Still, it's very pretty.

baby, it's cold outside. 

My parents visited last weekend and brought me a ton of fresh grapefruit.

Things I like now but actively did not like as a kid/teen:
  • Black Coffee
  • Beer
  • Olives 
  • Mustard
  • Grapefruit
I love grapefruit and having a fruit bowl full of it is making me very happy. If I were fancy and sophisticated I would probably try to make something like this, but I'm not, so I'm just eating it all straight-up. Yum.

A combination of SNOW, deadlines (helloooo research project), teaching requirements, and generally biting off more than I can chew has left me somewhat lacking in the exercise department. I got in a nice kinda-longish run (eh, well, 6 miles) last weekend, but this week has been most sad treadmill miles and YouTube workouts. Since real running is probably out this weekend (7 inches and counting, y'all), I'm hoping to at least make it to the climbing gym or yoga or something. This girl's gotta move.

There are not many things in life I admit to doing well, but, I'm really proud of my hematology lectures. I put a ton of time into them (er, sorry about that, research project) and re-learned a lot of basic science and was ultimately very proud of my results. The first years told me they all wanted to marry me afterwards (gotta love this place), so I think they liked them, too.

heme hug!

I'm itching. I don't know if it's the combination of Montana right around the corner (8 days!) or the looming Match (can we not talk about it?), or just all this SNOW keeping me in, but I am itching to go on an adventure. I had a wonderful coffee date with a friend yesterday, and we talked about doing some sort of backpacking/climbing trip in April. I'm excited. Good times. 

in other words, #letsgo

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